Neuro Care at Your Fingertips!

We make fun and non-intrusive applications for patients to assess and learn about their neurological disorders, to reduce their symptoms, and to more efficiently communicate results with their care team.

The power of play

The best way to engage patients for better health outcomes. Therapy and disease measurement are under the hood and not distractors from a fun experience. Symptoms can be tracked and treated by enjoyable lifestyle interventions. Whether by playing in a video simulation or photo memory games or just by completing a daily walk, or relaxation exercise...
Collaboration with universities to run trials on application effectiveness.
Progress monitoring of app based extracted biomarkers and success metrics shared with the care team in simple graphs with explanations.
Patients and their friends and family play together and want to keep playing and playing.

Flagship mobile app

Nostalgic photo organizer and sharing of AI-driven adapative quizzes amongst family and friends.
Apps pipeline


Analysis of App Actions
Users can practice or be scored if they wish. No one fails.
AI used to extract the cognitive levels and digital biomarkers.
Engage With Fond Memories
Stories and shared photos from family and friends are a fun way to engage and activate neurons.
Self-Paced Adaptive Practice
Repeat activities as therapy, build your own or friends and families can share. Game play sequences adapts based on progress.
Track And Share Progress
Care team can be aware of engagement progress. AI based modeling is used to determine precise and real time disease condition via biomarkers.
.Why we do it  —  Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD) progressively impair cognition, functionality, and behavior, leading to fatality. With aging populations, ADRD incidence is rising, impacting elderly life quality and significantly burdening healthcare finances and economic productivity. Early-stage treatments are most effective.

In July 2023, the FDA approved LEQEMBI, a groundbreaking treatment for early-stage Alzheimer's, sparking a substantial increase demand for cognitive assessments in primary care settings.

Emerging digital health technologies show promise in early ADRD detection and long-term disease monitoring, offering advantages over traditional methods.





What we do

Our platform revolutionizes memory assessment with a digital, photo-based quiz system, surpassing traditional cognitive tests in accessibility and ease of use. Utilizing familiar images and memories, it engages users with tailored quizzes featuring photo groups and sequences. The quiz mode intelligently adjusts to each user, tracking a variety of performance metrics, skill ranges, and difficulty levels for a personalized, precise cognitive function assessment. The application operates in three modes: 1) Quiz mode to identify memory lapses, key for dementia diagnosis; 2) Therapy mode for memory recall enhancement and gap filling; 3) Therapy mode aimed at mitigating false memories, significant in Parkinson's and PTSD cases.


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